Cold Weather arrival also accompanies its own set of troubles besides all that cold breeze. One of the most significant problems is pests!! These pests infest our houses and make our homes or offices a little challenging to live and work in, respectively. To remain on the safer side, it is advised to get them with the help of rodents control in Lower Mainland.

Rodents often seek shelter during this season to be able to survive through this entire season. Rodents, squirrels, rats & mice are a few of them to name.

Here Are Some Tips to Keep Rodents Control Away From Your House:

1. Invest in Roof Repairs

A damaged roof like broken shingles, cracks, or incomplete flashing can attract or become a pest house. Like squirrels, the rodents can chew through the attic and make a comfortable nest for themselves for the winter months. Thus, repair your roof and get rid of the pests at least from one end.

2. Trim those Tree Branches

Those tree branches of those climbers lead to attracting more different kinds of pets that can make a living a little uncomfortable. Keep those trees and branches trimmed, prevent hose rodents from entering your attic and ultimately infest your house.

3. Keep Pet Food Contained

One can say that rodents control are opportunities, and they are in a constant quest for food. It can be from leftovers, uncovered fruits, and vegetables or uncontained pet food. Discourage those rodents by covering the leftover food and those pet food in an airtight container.

4. Insulate Doors and Windows

Doors and windows must be insulated properly to ensure that the rodents do not enter the house through gaps and cracks. Therefore, protecting the home is a must.

If you are looking for ways to get rid of pests from your premises- Office or Home, call up ASM Pest Control.